Starting up

Nodes connected/online: /


Welcome to the latest version of the Fledger Node. Fledger is an experiment in a decentralized system running in your browser. It's goal is to mix things like Veilid, IPFS, and something like Narwhal.

Try it out by clicking on the above tabs to join the Blackboard or the WebProxy.

Uniqueness of Fledger

Instead of having to install all of these things on your computer, handling all the configuration and dependencies, you simply come here and participate in a decentralized system. This version of the system has the following applications:

  • Decentralized blackboard - write a message for everybody to see
  • Web proxy - route your web traffic through another node (not anonymous yet!)

Work In Progress

The fledger system is extensible with modules, and we think hard to implement the following modules:

  • Mixing Network - in a semester project with the DEDIS lab at EPFL
  • Storage - IPFS-like decentralized storage where you get storage by sharing your own harddisk storage

These modules will allow to port applications like the following, and add new ones:

  • LiveQuiz so that the storage is on fledger
  • Jemifier and store the lists on fledger
  • Anonymous surfing

This is a decentralized chatting app, implemented like a global blackboard. Instead of having a central server that stores all messages, every visitor joining the system stores the last 20 messages. So even if the central server goes down or censors messages, the clients can still communicate.

Your Message



Enter a URL and click on "Proxy Request". The request will be proxied through one of the nodes online.

The goal of Fledger is to have a full node running in the web browser. Instead of having to invest in big hardware, fledger will be light enough that you can participate using a browser. You will mine Mana can be used to run smart contracts, store data, or use the re-encryption service.

For more information, see the documentation: Fledger - the blockchain that could

Or find the code on github: ineiti/fledger

  • Total messages:
  • Local messages:
  • Mana:
Fetching node list
Name Ping Count Last ping Conn. Type

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